Here is a list of the main packs available with links to the Online shop where there are prices for 1 day rental.

For more days of rental we have 50% discount starting the second day of rental. Please select the days you want from the calendar, fill in all the required fields and submit the booking form in order to receive our special offer for the whole period of time.

All speakers are passive and they come with the recommended external amps and DSP. All cables included.

Martin Audio Blackline Ed ( F10 & F12+)
Martion Bullfrogs
Dynacord Powermax5 ( F150 & F18 )
VOID Basys system ( B15 & B12 )
ElectroVoice ( T251 & G118 )
A&H Xone 92 + Pioneer CDJ2000NXS2
A&H Xone 92 + Technics 1210MK5

Booking Form with calendar for most used equipment:

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